Indart3D cooperative, located in Irun since 2020, is dedicated to the design, manufacture and sale of last generation 3D printers. As pioneers in the process of popularizing a technology of recent application, Indart3D works with universities, research centers and companies from multiple sectors, such as medical, textile or automotive. The main competitive advantage of this company is its ability to combine modules...Read more
Zubiola is a cooperative founded in Azpeitia in 1966. After some years dedicated to the manufacture of machinery for the furniture industry, it focused on the manufacture of cutting tools for wood and derivatives. In 2007, Zubiola moved to Azkoitia and began to enter the automotive and aeronautical sectors through the manufacture of polycrystalline diamond tools. Today, these sectors represent two thirds of the...Read more
The Impact of Women on Industrial Competitiveness study has shown that companies that give more importance to equality perform better in terms of technological innovation and are more competitive. The compiled data indicates that as gender equality increases in companies, so does R&D&I intensity; the performance is better in terms of billing, employment and internationalisation, with a strong positive...Read more
The SPRI Group's Net-Zero Basque Industrial SuperCluster initiative has unveiled the roadmap for the decarbonisation of the Basque paper sector by 2050. Along with steelmaking, smelting, cement and refinery, this industry is among the 5 that account for nearly 68% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Basque Country. The report concludes that the transition towards net-zero emissions of the sector will benefit from the development of technological measures focused mainly on energy...Read more