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Internationalisation of companies

Boost your international expansion with the BasqueTrade & Investment Basque Internationalisation Agency of the SPRI Group

If you are thinking of introducing your product in the foreign market, or if you are looking for financing, commercial contacts, local partners or specialised services, we are here to support your activity.

Basque companies are embarking on the race towards competitiveness in a highly globalised economy, and they have a privileged position that allows them to access the main European markets, as well as a public-private commitment that makes the Basque Country position itself as a relevant industrial region.

Exporting is a matter of numbers, resources and attitude.


Basque foreign network

Basque Trade and Investment

Basque Trade & Investment was created to promote the international projects of Basque companies.

It integrates all the technical and economic resources and offers a new model of specialised and adapted support. This one-stop shop combines industry and geographic knowledge, thanks to its international network. And this international network is consolidated as one of the most powerful networks, with presence in the main markets of more than 80 countries and with 16 of its own offices.

Know exactly where we are:

Germany | Argentina | Brazil | Chile | China | Colombia | USA | Slovakia | India | Italy | Mexico | Poland| República Checa | United Kingdom | Russia | Singapore

Angola | Saudi Arabia | Algeria | Australia | Austria | Belgium | Belarus | Bolivia | Bosnia - Herzegovina | Canada | Corea | Côte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Denmark | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | United Arab Emirates | Slovakia | Slovenia | Estonia | Philippines | Finland | France | Ghana | Guatemala | Netherlands | Honduras | Hungary | Indonesia | Iran | Ireland | Israel | Japan | Kenya | Kosovo | Kuwait | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Malaysia | Montenegro | Morocco | Montenegro | Mozambique | Nicaragua | Nigeria | New Zealand | Norway | Oman | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Portugal | Qatar | Dominican Republic | Romania | Senegal | Serbia | South Africa | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand

imagen corporativa basquetrade&investment Grupo SPRI
What we offer

What do we offer you

We are a team specialised in advanced manufacturing, bio-health and energy, and we offer you specialised advice and programs adapted to the sector and the level of internationalisation of your company.

Choose the topic in which you want to take a step forward:

Diagnosis of your internationalisation potential, itinerary and tutoring

  • Strategic consulting. Individualised market studies
  • Search for distributors, commercial agents
  • Accompanying companies and preparation of visit agendas
  • Temporary location at destination
  • Search for land and pavilions for the establishment phase

Contact us and start exporting

We support the expansion of your international activity.

  • Individualised analysis for insertion in local value chains.
  • Identification of partners and allies.
  • Corporate diplomacy: institutional support.
  • Accompanying in visits to relevant organisations.

Contact us and we will study your project


Apply for grants to create and grow your startup!


Y te ayudamos a tomar mejores decisiones cuando exportas

Con inteligencia competitiva, información diaría, segmentada por sectores de actividad y países de interés

  • Principales novedades en los acuerdos comerciales internacionales más relevantes para nuestras empresas.
  • Búsqueda avanzada y riguroso análisis para seleccionar oportunidades concretas.
  • Informes sectoriales, informes-país, análisis de coyuntura o de tendencias de comercio internacionales.
  • Misiones comerciales, participación en ferias y toda la actividad de nuestras empresas en el exterior.
Basque Tender Platform

Increase with us your internationalisation by competing in tenders all over the world

Apply for registration on the Basque Tendering Platform. We will inform you of new opportunities, accompany you throughout the tender cycle and award of projects.