Subsidies for the Basque Companies .

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We will tell you about day-to-day business

In just a few seconds, you will have an overview of current events; where your industry is heading, the events you can't miss, the support you can benefit from, ideas from your competitors or learning opportunities from success and failure stories, yours and others'... Because we will tell you about those too.

The team

We are the Communication and Marketing Team of the SPRI Group – the Basque Agency for Business Development of the Basque Government's Ministry for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment – and Basque companies, the driving force of our activity.

Thanks to their dynamic and contemporary approach, our communication channels do not only provide information; they seek to inspire and achieve tangible results. We use methods ranging from creative social media to practical e-newsletters to break through the traditional barriers to connecting with Basque companies. We develop functional innovation tools to set the pace of the future. Each design reflects our modern and serious approach, while ensuring effective dissemination of the governmental initiatives.

We undertake to keep you up to date without wasting time. Just a quick glance and you will be up to speed with the key aspects of your market; you will only be sent information when necessary and relevant, so as not to overwhelm you.

When it comes to grant calls and events, we will provide you with early access to essential information, thus providing you with a strategic advantage when making appropriate decisions in your company. We know that personalised information is fundamental; you will only receive what is relevant thanks to our specialist and thematic channels. Our aim is to provide quality data for Basque companies in general and yours in particular.

Committed to dissemination, we create spaces to learn about the business landscape. We provide information on Basque companies by fostering connections, and strengthening and bolstering business relations.  We connect companies with the current Basque business scene and provide everything that may be useful for their advancement.

For whom it is
  • For company employees who want to keep up-to-date in a glance.
  • For those who appreciate us telling them about key points, what's really important.
  • You can access financing, expert advice, training, expand your contacts and network at our events before tickets sell out.
  • Discover technology within your reach or sell your own.
  • Give visibility to your project or share your news. Did you know that we have more than 60,000 subscribers on this channel and that many companies use it to position themselves? And that's not counting the other channels that will also share information about you.
  • Get to know the Basque market, where we are, and where we are going.
  • If you are looking for the peace of mind of knowing that you are not missing anything in your industry.

Spricomunica: "We look after information, both our own and what we share about you"

Let us talk about you? Just write to us


In a few seconds

Key ideas and headlines
that give you a preview of
the details you can dig deeper into


Thorough and specialised

Not everything goes.
Specialised and first-hand information


Only what is important

No more and no less.
A commitment to sharing only what is necessary

Why to follow our channels

You will always be up-to-date on everything happening in your market

  • You will always be up-to-date on everything that's happening in your market with just a glance.
  • You will be informed before anyone else about new calls for grants or events
  • You will receive only what you are interested in.
    Thematic and specialised channels.
  • All about Basque enterprise, in general.
  • And, if you want, also about yours.

SPRI Group communication is proactive and with the focus on creating value. Our obsession? To generate useful information for Basque companies.

Check us out on the Basque company blog

Subscribe or follow us

If it's not here, it's not anywhere

We are committed to offering quality information on Basque companies and their markets.  Generating dissemination spaces and network to learn about the business scene and background.

Anybody who wants to know more and in greater detail, and who does not have time at the moment, can find the key points in a few seconds.

Receive our newsletters or follow our social channels

Subscribe to our newsletters

Choose what you are interested in and receive emails from us

  • SPRI Group
  • Adi! Grants and agenda
  • Up! Euskadi
  • Technological supply and demand
  • Latest BDIH technology springboards

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Follow us.
Specialised channels and daily news

Twitter SPRI Group 11.447 followers.
Linkedin SPRI Group 14.432 followers.
Linkedin Entrepreneurship13.059 followers.
Linkedin Internationalisation 8.821 followers.
YouTube SPRI Group 2.790 followers.

Or tell us about yourself

And we will share it on our channels. Remember that we have more than 60,000 subscribers.

Just contact us

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