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Public Procurement of Innovation

Boosting business innovation through public procurement

We bring companies closer to the challenges of the public sector to enable them to invest and implement innovative solutions that foster the development of high value-added markets

Public Procurement of Innovation of the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment

Public procurement of innovation (PPI) is an instrument that promotes innovation and boosts the development of new markets from the demand side through public procurement with a series of characteristics that complement R&D&I subsidies.

It is not about grants or subsidies; it is about innovative companies seeing the public administration as a potential customer.

Thus, it becomes a powerful tool that will favour the growth of the entities of the Basque innovation system, generating impact and value for the strategic projects of the entities under the Department of Development, Sustainability and the Environment.

In this regard, it is important to keep in mind that Public Procurement of Innovation is not a new type of contract, using technological tools in the contracting process, or buying innovative products that already exist.

The aim is to provide solutions that do not exist on the market and respond to the challenges of the public sector


Active listening

Innovative companies will be able to launch solutions to needs they have detected in the public sector.


More innovative developments

Through participation in challenges launched by public entities.


Internationalisation of innovation

Using the local public market as a launch or reference customer.

What it offers you

A meeting point for innovation where the member companies of the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment of the Basque Government expose their challenges and purchasing needs and the private sector offers its innovative solutions or proposes improvement projects


It is the tool with which public entities obtain information to be able to draft the bidding documents for future tenders with the utmost precision and security.

It is an opportunity for technical dialogue, bringing together the challenges faced by public companies with the innovative solutions that SMEs present to meet them.


How can I participate in the challenges?


After dialogue with the companies, the companies of the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment will launch their PPI tenders.

Active challenges
For whom it is

For innovative companies

  • Who want to share their challenges and technological advances or have identified needs and have the potential to offer innovative answers.
  • For the challenges of the companies of the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment of the Basque Government. The Basque Energy Agency (EVE), Sprilur, IHOBE and Basque Trade & Investment are some of the public entities that are already preparing their challenges.

Public Procurement of Innovation is the catalyst to overcome the challenges

If there was a clear demand, innovative companies would invest to offer innovative products and if the buyer knew the available alternatives suitable and affordable for their challenges, they would buy them

How it works

This is how Public Procurement of Innovation works


Challenge Publication
The public entity presents its needs.


Participation in Preliminary Market Consultations
Technical dialogue on innovative challenges by public entities and innovative companies.


Challenge presentation webinar
Technical dialogue on innovative challenges by public entities and innovative companies.


Publication of tender
Innovative companies will present their new solutions to the proposed challenges.

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Who’s behind it

Grupo Spri is the organisation in charge of promoting public procurement of innovation

We encourage public entities that are members of the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government to launch PPI tenders so that they can acquire products or services through innovative, efficient and sustainable solutions.

The Basque Energy Agency (EVE), Sprilur, IHOBE and Basque Trade & Investment are some of the public entities that are already preparing their challenges.

Our experience in the management of R&D&I support instruments, and our knowledge of the Basque Innovation System, allow us to support both the supply and demand side at the same time, contributing to the transformation and improvement of public services and, therefore, to the improvement of the quality of life of citizens.

PPI, a tool initiative aligned with the strategic innovation framework of the Basque Country, RIS3 EUSKADI.

Active listening mailbox

If you have identified an area for improvement in the public sector and you can offer innovative solutions with the capacity to develop new markets with high added value, this is the forum for you to propose and implement them.


5 reasons why it is essential to participate

  • Access to a large customer and new business opportunities
  • Understanding the purchase intention of public institutions
  • More beneficial to have a contract than an R&D&I subsidy
  • Real environment demonstrator scenarios
  • Sharing risks with the buyer

If you are an innovative company...,
enter the open challenges!

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