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Support and advice hotline in case of cyber security incidents

Type of inquiry

  • Infection (police virus, mail virus, etc.)
  • Fraud
  • Anti-Botnet service
  • Others

– Person or company
– Name and surname or Name of the company
– E-mail address
– Subject
– Detailed description of the inquiry

Personal data provided will be stored in a file named “Contacts” that belongs to Sociedad para la Transformación Competitiva – Eraldaketa Lehiakorrerako Sozietatea, S.A. (hereinafter SPRI) and will be processed for the purpose of management, provision, expansion and improvement of the services requested at any time by the user, following up your inquiries and and/or compiling statistics. SPRI undertakes to fulfil its obligation of confidentiality regarding personal data supplied and the duty of treating them with confidentiality and reserve, in accordance with the legislation in force. To these effects, it shall take the necessary measures to avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. In any case, if you would like to access, rectify, cancel or object to the assignment of your data , SPRI guarantees your rights, which can be exercised by writing to the following postal address: Alameda Urquijo 36 4º, Edificio Plaza, Bizkaia 48011, BILBAO.