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Challenges 29 June, 2022 Environmental sustainability Soil Decontamination Challenge – GARBILAND Project

There are multiple techniques on the market for the recovery of contaminated soil. However, the option currently used in the majority of cases, not only in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (ACBC), but also in many other regions and countries, is excavation and landfill disposal. This is quicker and cheaper than other options, although it is environmentally unsustainable and inefficient, and does not...Read more


16 January, 2024 Environmental sustainability

Emission-free pulp and paper: roadmap for the decarbonisation of the Basque paper industry by 2050

The SPRI Group's Net-Zero Basque Industrial SuperCluster initiative has unveiled the roadmap for the decarbonisation of the Basque paper sector by 2050. Along with steelmaking, smelting, cement and refinery, this industry is among the 5 that account for nearly 68% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Basque Country. The report concludes that the transition towards net-zero emissions of the sector will benefit from the development of technological measures focused mainly on energy...Read more

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