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Selección semanal de Oportunidades Comerciales en Europa

A Dutch SME is looking for commercial agreements with distributors and wholesalers throughout Europe that serve the end-users of the drywall Industry.

Ref.: BONL20240502025

A Dutch SME, license holder of various finishing materials, automated tools and brands for the European drywell market, is looking for commercial agreements with distributors and wholesalers serving for the drywall industry. Leer más [+]

Swiss-based company offering innovative software solutions to ensure data integrity and security for valuable clinical trial data by leveraging blockchain technology looks for commercial agreement

Ref.: BOCH20240403003

The platform serves biotech, pharma, medtech and research institutions, streamlining clinical trials, enhancing data integrity and security, and boosting research outcomes. The company is seeking for commercial agreement with early adopters of their innovative solution to use synergies and improve their product portfolio. Leer más [+]

Austrian SME is looking for a producer of foldable metal storage containers under a supplier agreement.

Ref.: BRAT20240502003

The Austrian SME specializes in foldable metal containers for fast and flexible space creation. They are looking for a European producer with expertise in metal manufacturing to produce these foldable metal containers under a supplier agreement. Leer más [+]

Irish medical device company seeking to identify International distribution agreements for their range of elderly care/animal care/home care/medical devices.

Ref.: BOIE20240502021

Irish medical device company seeking to identify International distribution agreements for their range of elderly care/animal care/home care/medical devices, such as tube feeding accessories, portable X-ray equipment, wound gels and skin barrier sprays, optics for pain relief or urine/feces health awareness Equipment, biomarker detection platforms for diagnosis etc. Leer más [+]

A Polish company, expert in design and production of wide range of antennas, is looking for industrial partners to start cooperation under supplier or outsourcing agreements and also for new distributors under commercial agreements

Ref.: BOPL20240417004

A Polish company located in Wrocław, expert in design and production of antennas for all the most popular data transmission systems, i.e. 5G, LTE, Wi-Fi, IoT is looking both for - industrial partners to design and develop new devices under supplier or outsourcing agreements and new distributors under commercial agreements Leer más [+]

Colombian digital marketing agency seeks strategic partnerships in Spain

Ref.: BOCO20240506013

An expanding digital marketing agency seeks strategic partners in Spain, through the following figures: Joint Ventures, Network Collaboration, Agency Support Leer más [+]

Italian company developing a software platform that operates in teleassistance and telemedicine fields for elderly is looking for direct customers, agents and distributors and investors

Ref.: BOIT20240506007

The company is looking to develop an international trading network with suitable partners, with experience in the health or wellbeing field or working in the health technology sector, as agents/distributor and investors. Leer más [+]

Danish company seeks suppliers of vertical windmills

Ref.: BRDK20240507016

The Danish company seeks supplier of vertical wind turbines to place on flat roofs. Leer más [+]

Matchmaking at TAIWAN EXPO in EUROPE

10 de junio de 2024, Berlín



Alongside the TAIWAN EXPO in EUROPE, Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Taiwan will host the EEN Matchmaking at TAIWAN EXPO in EUROPE. This year's event will focus on Green and Digital opportunities, highlighting themes such as Smart Eco Mobility, Work&Recreation +AI, Smart Healthcare, Smart Living and Eco Friendly Circularity. Activities will include a semiconductor forum, onsite and online business matchmaking sessions.

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DOBLE BOLETÍN Basque Enterprise Europe Network

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